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Equipping musicians with instruments worthy of their calling.

  Our purpose is to not only provide musicians with great instruments, but equip Christian musicians and worship leaders with tools built excellently to fulfill life’s greatest calling - glorifying God.

Ministry leaders ought to have access to instruments that enable them to lead confidently. We believe music written for the purpose of honoring God holds great weight because of it’s power to change hearts, increase faith, and bring freedom. Our team at Vine Guitars provides high quality instruments to ministry teams at affordable costs so that the body of Jesus Christ is built and equipped to fulfill it’s mission on this side of eternity.


 Worship Musician

If you are using your gifts to serve your local church, we want to help you reach your God-given potential with the finest acoustic guitars available. Due to our current 50% off promotion, sponsorships are currently on hold. We recommend taking advantage of this promotion, which is the lowest prices we’ve ever offered.

Please Note: Sponsorships can currently cover a portion of the cost of your instrument depending on available funding.



Sponsor a Musician

One of the ways we enable music ministries to lead with excellence is by partnering with anonymous donors. If you are interested in contributing toward the cost of an instrument so that a musician or worship team member is equipped to serve their community, please contact us for more information. We look forward to joining with you in building the Kingdom of God in building a legacy of worship in our local churches.